Harry Potter Exposes a Real Problem with Christianity

Harry Potter Christian Logo

As some of you may know, the television network Freeform, offers what they call “Harry Potter Weekend.” They actually do this on a regular basis. You can spend all weekend watching 7 of the 8 Harry Potter movies (for some reason or another they do not seem to own the rights to the Order of the Phoenix and as such never

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Job: Healing Our Wounds – Sunday Sermon Summary

Healing Through Job

This week’s sermon was on the book of Job.  For the most part we think of Job as the model Christian.  He takes a spiritual beating and yet remains faithful to God under deplorable circumstances.  No normal person would be able to withstand what Job was going through.  Even his wife turned against him and God.  The usual route for

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Theology: Ten Terms Everyone Should Know

Theology Bible

Theology 101 Theology is not necessarily one of my strongest points when it comes to Christianity.  While I think that I have a solid enough understanding of theology and a working knowledge of the study, this is more acquired than it is of any formal substance.  This is because I essentially skipped over all of the basic introduction to theology

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Man – Biblical Manliness

manliness man beard

Man About a month ago I got the chance to go to a youth convention with a couple of teenagers from my youth group.  It was in Houghton, New York.  There were plenty of things to remember, and a number of them to forget.  Memories were made and I am hoping that there is at least some significant impact of

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Anger — Five Ways To Deal With It

Anger management angry birds

Anger is an emotion that everyone is going to come across at some point in their life.  Some people go to swearing when they experience anger (See previous post).  Personally, anger is not a huge issue in my life.  According to my wife, I am a very laid back person.  I agree with this as there are very few things that

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Kindness: Dissecting Luke 6

Kill them with Kindness – Metaphorically

This past week I presented my youth group with a devotional from the book of Luke.  My overall goal was to present them with a teaching on kindness.  We all know that the Bible is all about kindness and showing people love.  Most of us even know that the “Golden Rule” is found in the Bible in a couple of

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