Credit Cards – Three things I learned from them.

Credit cards are bad

Credit Cards: Friend or Foe? Today I would like to talk to you about Credit Cards (gasp! no!!!!). I know, I know, credit cards are the ultimate evil. Right? Well, that is what most Dave Ramsey followers would say. In Financial Peace University, we celebrate when someone tears one up. Today, I would like to look at 3 things that

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Job: Healing Our Wounds – Sunday Sermon Summary

Healing Through Job

This week’s sermon was on the book of Job.  For the most part we think of Job as the model Christian.  He takes a spiritual beating and yet remains faithful to God under deplorable circumstances.  No normal person would be able to withstand what Job was going through.  Even his wife turned against him and God.  The usual route for

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Cathedrals: Respect for God or Man?


Cathedrals Notre Dame de Paris, St. Peter’s Basilica, and Canterbury may be some of the most famous cathedrals in the world. Whether you are a Christian or an Atheist, seeing cathedrals up close or stepping inside of them leaves us awestruck and bewildered. They are glorious, beautiful, and almost gravity defying in their impossible greatness. This past week I was

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Language – Unwholesome Talk

Foul Language from Q*BERT

“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.”  We have all heard this at one time or another.  The ironic part about this statement is that as soon as someone told this too us we probably thought that they were lying.  Someone’s words, or language, had just done some real damage to our character and

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Kindness: Dissecting Luke 6

Kill them with Kindness – Metaphorically

This past week I presented my youth group with a devotional from the book of Luke.  My overall goal was to present them with a teaching on kindness.  We all know that the Bible is all about kindness and showing people love.  Most of us even know that the “Golden Rule” is found in the Bible in a couple of

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