IMPACT – Ministry Philosophy

Impact ministry philosophy youth

There is a single part of my ministerial retreat that sticks out in my mind above all else. You could say that it had the greatest impact on me. It came from the very first session from Mike Hilson. It was an acronym that ended up spelling out the word IMPACT. I think it was supposed to be a general

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Change: Four Key Points

Change Honest Smart Intentional Consistent

It would not be a spiritual retreat if there was not a great aspect placed on change.  In particular, Mike Hilson suggested that there are four things that we must do if we are going to change the way things are (at least in churches). Four Necessary Things in Order to Promote Healthy Change Obviously, there are plenty of specific

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Ministerial Retreat (Part 1)

Ministerial Retreat

Today I begin my first ministerial retreat.  This is an experience that I have ever taken part in before.  A lot of people have talked about the benefits of going on something like this so I am excited to see what happens.  A ministerial retreat is something that pastors or other church leaders go to for relaxation and rejuvenation.  It

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Are you a “Son of Thunder?”


What is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear “Son of Thunder?”  If you are like most people you are probably thinking about Thor, or Loki, or Odin, or Zeus, or Hercules or some other hero that comes from a form of mythology.  All of these people are gods, or god-like.  As such, being a “Son of Thunder”

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5 Things Leaders (or perhaps even friends) should Never do


In the past few months I have had some time to think about leadership and what it takes to make a leader.  In this time I have graduated from seminary, been appointed as a minister by the Wesleyan Church, and attended the Global Leadership Summit.  However, when I thought about the things that make up leaders, and specifically good leaders,

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