Passive Income Challenge February Update

This month, my primary focus was to increase the number of posts in my blog for my most popular category. Crazy Bible Stories. By far the analytics show this is the most popular thing I have written. In particular, the story of the one-handed man Ehud is at the top. That said, it’s a marathon, not a sprint. Total blog income for the month: $0.14. Lol.

The stock market has been all over the place because of the Coronavirus scare. That said, I mostly have dividend stocks which aren’t affected the same way. the dividends are guaranteed through a certain amount of time (at least 6-months out). So, I get the dividend regardless of what the stock price is. That said, it’s not exact income since the stock is down so much, but I am going to count it for the purpose of this challenge anyway. Total stock dividend income for the month: $4.18.

The future is March

Because of the massive dip in the stock market, I did rearrange some funds in order to increase the number of dividend shares I have. It’s nothing major, but there should at least be a small increase next month. Additionally, my game is very close to being published. I think it may even be released in the month of March. Again, it is nothing major, but it will be a true source of passive income once published.

The bigger focus for March will be officially publishing episode one of my story/book I have been working on for the past few years. I have a lot of it written already, but it needs editing and polish. I’m not 100% sure how I will publish it or for how much, but the goal will be to at least get started on this thing. It’s long past due to see if the story is even interesting to people out there. Stay tuned!

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