About Me
Zach Haas
My name is Zachary Haas. Most people just call me Zach, or Zach Haas. I graduated Indiana Wesleyan University in 2011. Afterwards, I immediately started attending Wesley Seminary (essentially the same school) in order to work on a Master’s of Divinity. I finished the program in June 2014 and received my first ministerial license the same month. I am currently serving in the Hadley-Luzerne Weselyan Church in upstate New York. (We are only 10 minutes from Lake George, check us out!).
The past ten summers I have spent my time as a lazy river tubing guide. This essentially consisted of kayaking around and helping people get from point A to point B on a river. It is as fun as it is frustrating.
I got married to a wonderful (and beautiful!) woman on June 22nd. She has increased my quality of life in ways that I have only begun to experience. Our honeymoon cruise was wonderful, and we are now ready to take on the world together. It is nice to have a Mrs. Zach Haas.
Currently, I do not have a job outside of seasonal employment and volunteering at my church as the Youth Pastor. This is a great experience despite the surprise learning curve. Too often I view myself as a teenager still. Sometimes this works, but sometimes it does not.
The reason I created this blog was because I wanted to create a venue for writing down my thoughts. I had a blog before (www.desperatetoglow.blogspot.com), but it was more or less writing whatever came to my head without putting a lot of thought or editing into the process. Now, I would like to create a more scholarly blog that I hope will bring people some insight about life or give them things to think about. As before, writing this is just as much for myself as it is for any other person. I am able to better understand and think about things when I write about it. Hopefully, some people will read this blog and offer their own insights or push-back to the things that I am learning.
For this blog I am mainly going to focus on the spiritual things that I am working through. Having gone through seminary, I am constantly looking at the Bible or some theologians work. This blog serves as a place for me to ponder my own thoughts. For me, it is a type of spiritual discipline. If people actually read my blog, gain things from it, and challenge me through it, I will have a greater sense of accountability and will then find it easier to continue.
Thanks for checking out my blog, and welcome aboard for this wild and crazy ride.
Your friend, brother, and companion in Christ,
– Pastor Zach Haas