A New Chapter to Life

Zach and Melissa Haas

I have just returned from my honeymoon!  It was a wonderful time of relaxation and spending time with my new wife.  Though the weather was a bit cold on our cruise to Canada, all in all it was a good experience.  I am not ready to take on the world with renewed vigor, and with a new partner on my side.  She is ready to support me and I am ready to lead her into this new stage in our lives.  While we will need lots of prayer to be completely successful in our new lives, at this moment things are going well, we are in control, and we are all smiles – well, mostly.

Melissa is already stressed as she is running around the apartment trying to figure out where to put this and that.  We got a lot of great gifts for our wedding, and now we have to try to decide where to put some things in our ever shrinking apartment.  It will certainly be nice to see things figured out and set up so that we can just come in and feel at home.  This will require some time, patience, adjusting, and even perhaps some compromising.

As for our working lives, we are pretty much at the start of new things.  The youth group is taking the summer off.  This will allow Melissa and I to have our evenings to ourselves all week.  This will also allow us to put together a plan of action for next fall.  Really, I hope to completely revamp and change the way that the ministry is going.  My dreams and visions are not yet begun to happen.  One of my goals this summer is to figure out a more complete format for the entire youth group.  I am excited to see where my mind and God will take me.

I will be going back to Tubby Tubes starting July 4th.  This will get more though the rest of the summer and will provide enough money to continue to pay rent and things like that.  Melissa is going to begin her job search as well.  She is hoping to find more of a career and perhaps even a job with some benefits.  So far, she has some private clients that she can continue working for, and she has been offered a part-time job with a modest pay check.  I think that she is excited that there are least these small opportunities so that she can begin to help support us financially.

I am still finishing up homework and will soon begin homework for my next call at the end of July.  We will be traveling to Indiana for this and will also celebrate our wedding with another reception.  Soon after this I will be starting another semester and be in full swing of a busy life once again.

Right now, I feel rested and refreshed.  While I have many responsibilities that I need to take care of, and I am even behind on a number of things, I am feeling pretty good overall.  I am excited for this new life that I am beginning and am looking forward to what is coming next.

Everyday is a new adventure and brings its owns triumphs and struggles.  I am already seeing that I am going to be the much more laid back one in this relationship as Melissa runs around trying to figure out what she is going to do with “all these blankets.”

Here’s to a new start and new beginnings.

Your friend, brother, and companion in Christ,

-Zach Haas

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