With more things get canceled each week, we find ourselves more and more under quarantine. Here are some ideas for the Christian person to do. I originally created this for youth group.

If you are a Christian, you need to read this. Martin Luther detailed years ago what to do what a deadly plague rears its head. This words hold true today and provide instruction and guidance for the Church and its followers. TL;DR Love your neighbor.
As some of you may know, the television network Freeform, offers what they call “Harry Potter
That’s right. God does not need you and he doesn’t need me either. This may
Theology 101 Theology is not necessarily one of my strongest points when it comes to
Jesus and the Sword Take a moment and think about all the stories that you
Patreon Hello everyone! I recently discovered something online that I am pretty excited about. It
Cathedrals Notre Dame de Paris, St. Peter’s Basilica, and Canterbury may be some of the
Goals If you have ever had any kind of mentor, or leader in your life
Anger is an emotion that everyone is going to come across at some point in
There is a single part of my ministerial retreat that sticks out in my mind
In case you haven’t noticed, the Bible is absolutely crazy. It is filled with bizarre
What is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear “Son of Thunder?”
It does not take a lot of thought to think about popular debates between Bible
All in all the concepts behind being a “world changer” is not a bad aspiration
I just finished reading Do Hard Things by Alex and Brett Harris. For the most part,
With more things get canceled each week, we find ourselves more and more under quarantine. Here are some ideas for the Christian person to do. I originally created this for youth group.
LGBTQ+ Should the Church Accept it? A recent hot topic in America was the United Methodist Church’s General Conference. Typically, these things go under the
Leadership is going to be a hot topic whenever it is an election year. It seems that this year is not different. The battle for
Excuses If you have ever spent any time with teenagers in general, you know that they are able to come up with an excuse for
Everyone knows that the human body needs somewhere between 6 and 8 hours of sleep. For some people they want a lot more. For other
Postpartum Depression Post Spoiler Alert: Things are going great now. Neither of us would say we are experiencing depression. We both believe that we are